Wypromowane prace dyplomowe
Rozprawy doktorskie
- A Syntactic Study of Idioms Referring to Psychological States in English and Constraints on the Way they are Built
- The syntax of English and Polish coordinate structures – A minimalist analysis
Prace magisterskie
- Sentential negation in English. A minimalist account
- The structure of prepositional phrases in English and Irish - A comparative study
- The Syntax of Attributive Adjectives in English
- Licensing Anaphors in English in the Minimalist Program
- Passivization in English-A Minimalist Account
- Expletive subjects in English in the Minimalist Program
- VP Ellipsis in English in the Minimalist Program
- Raising verbs in English. A Minimalist Account.
- Unaccusative verbs in English - A minimalist analysis.
Rozprawy doktorskie
- The Double Object Construction in English and German. Structural position, case valuation and movement of objects
Prace magisterskie
- Selected aspects of extraposition in English within the Minimalist Program
- Topics and Topicalisation. A Minimalist Account
- Selected aspects of coordination from a crosslinguistic perspective
- Structural Analysis of English PPs in the Minimalist Program
- Small clauses in English. A Minimalist Approach.
Prace magisterskie
- Double Object Constructions from a cross-linguistic perspective.
- Minimalist approaches to the Existential Construction in English.
- Reflexivity. A cross-linguistic analysis.