Albert Nowacki


Prace licencjackie
  • Critical analysis of the translation of proper names in the Polish translation of the “Harry Potter” series by J. K. Rowling


Prace licencjackie
  • Disinformation in Russian society as an example of linguistic manipulation on the websites of Russian state offices and entries in social networks
  • Cultural aspects in the translation of slang and informal language on the example of the Polish localization of the computer game "Life is Strange"
  • Comparison of the Polish translation and Polish cultural contexts of the film "Shrek" and "Shrek 2" with the original
  • Comparative analysis of the Polish translation of selected dialogs from the computer game "League of Legends" and some of the realities of the plot
  • Analysis and Proposal of Proper Names Translation in a Book "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" and "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers" J.R.R Tolkien Based on Jerzy Łoziński and Maria Skibniewska Translations
  • Analysis of the translation of proper names from English into Polish and a translations proposal on the example of "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George R.R Martin
  • Problematic aspects of translating cultural phenomena in the translation of “The Witcher” series computer games
  • A comparative analysis of the dialogues translation in the video game “Until Dawn” and its Polish localization
  • Strategies for translating proper names in selected film titles in Polish and English
  • Translation of proper names in video games on the example of the Polish localisation of “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Aniversary Edition
  • Polish translations of Newspeak on the example of George Orwell's novel "1984"
  • A Comparative analysis of selected English and Polish idioms with an animal name component


Prace licencjackie
  • Z problematyki tłumaczenia audiowizualnego: na przykładzie przekładu filmu Quentina Tarantino ,,Pulp Fiction" na język ukraiński
  • Polsko-ukraińska leksyka prawnicza na materiale tekstów paralelnych Kodeksu Rodzinnego. Analiza wybranych problemów translatorskich.


Prace magisterskie
  • Obraz dziecka w twórczości nowelistycznej Wasyla Stefanyka.
  • Obraz Wielkiego Głodu w wybranych tekstach kultury
  • W poszukiwaniu człowieka i Boga. Z problematyki poezji Liny Kostenko.
  • Obraz Ukrainy i Europy w tekstach eseistycznych Jurija Andruchowycza.


Prace magisterskie
  • Współczesne rewolucje ukraińskie. Próba poszukiwania tożsamości (na materiale współczesnej literatury ukraińskiej).