Prace licencjackie
  • Fricatives in Old Welsh and Old English- a comparative study.
Prace magisterskie
  • English loanwords in Japanese. A linguistic analysis


Prace licencjackie
  • Liquids in Welsh and English - distribution and phonological behaviour.
  • Affricates in English and Polish - an element-based approach.
  • Word-final consonant clusters in selected dialects of English.
  • Diphthongs in the history of English - an element-based approach.
  • Polish and English fricatives- now and earlier.
  • Suffix-motivated stress changes in English - phonological domains.
  • Word-initial branching onsets and s+C(C) groups in English and Welsh.


Prace licencjackie
  • Theories of language acquisition.
  • The Evolution of English dictionaries.
  • Similarities in the pronounciation of Polish and English vowels.
  • Past tenses in English and Polish - a comparative study.
  • Vowel reduction and elision in English.
  • Slang - the language of subculture ; its origins and purposes.
  • Derivational and inflectional morphology in English and Polish.
  • Selected English phrasal verbs vs. verbs with prefixes in Polish.
  • Regular and Suppletive Relational Adjectives in English.
  • Present tenses in English and Polish - a comparative study.
  • Future tenses in English and Polish - a comparative study.