Prace magisterskie
  • Hinglish - a fashion or a new lingua franca in contemporary India?
  • The Cockney dialect and slang in selected movies and TV series.
  • Language as evidence: forensic discourse and text analysis of selected murder and fraud cases in the US Criminal Justice System


Prace magisterskie
  • An analysis of the masculine names of professions and their feminine equivalents in English, Polish and other languages
  • Lenition processes in English and Andalusian Spanish
  • Vowel – zero alternations in Polish from a diachronic and synchronic perspective
  • Neologisms in the cooking jargon
  • Influence of electronic media on the acquisition of English loanwords in written and spoken Russian


Prace magisterskie
  • Historical and contemporary interactions between the lexicons of English and Dutch
  • English and Icelandic – a comparison of selected phonological issues
  • Language beyond borders: the correlation between Ponglish and bilingualism among Polish speakers
  • The influence of English loanwords on Polish electronic media.


Prace magisterskie
  • To head, or not to head, that is the question: the application of Element Theory in English, Finnish and Italian.
  • An analysis of vocalic systems of English and major Italian dialects.
  • An analysis of the schwa sound in English and German
  • Throughout the years: from Late Old to Modern English. An analysis of vocalic changes.
  • Word-initial consonant clusters in French, Spanish and English – a comparative analysis.
  • Selected issues in devoicing in Dutch, English and Polish
  • A phonological comparison of British English and Egyptian Arabic


Prace licencjackie
  • An Analysis of Selected English Accents