Prace magisterskie
  • Rendering English borrowings in the Japanese language
  • Problems in English - Italian translation of How I Met Your Mother TV series
  • Translation of humour in 'How I met your mother'
  • Translating English idioms into Polish and Polish idioms into English: problems and solutions


Prace licencjackie
  • Lyrics in hip-hop music as a unique dialect.
  • Language of computer games in English
Prace magisterskie
  • English idioms referring to body parts
  • Teaching English to Hearing-Impaired Students
  • First language acquisition versus second language acquisition: props in the classroom
  • Similarities between English and Spanish on a lexical level
  • The Evolution and Development of the Language in Scotland Throughout the Centuries
  • Errors in the articulation of words committed by young learners of English at the primary school level
  • Idioms of colour in English and Polish
  • The role of present tenses in teaching process at the secondary school level
  • Teaching vocabulary to special needs learners
  • Differences between American and British English – vocabulary, spelling and grammar
  • The comparison of conceptualising and describing abstract entities by blind and sighted people
  • Animal Idioms in English
  • The knowledge of the English language as a crucial asset in the area of business
  • Teaching Maths in English to Polish Primary School Students