Michał Zawiślak, PhD - Associate Professor
Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Academic degrees:
Master’s degree – 2007
Doctorate – 2011
Professional positions:
2011-2012 – Assistant lecturer
2012 – Associate professor
2015 - Attorney at Law
Membership in scientific societies:
- Polskie Towarzystwo Prawa Wyznaniowego (Polish Society of Law on Religion) – member
- Stowarzyszenie Kanonistów Polskich (Association of Polish Canonists) – member
- EUREL (Religions dans Europe) – member
Membership in editiorial boards and policy councils of book series and scientific journals:
- Przegląd Prawa Wyznaniowego (Review of Law on Religion) – member of the editorial board (2011-2020)
- Review of European and Comparative Law - member of the editorial board (since 2015)
- Studia Prawnicze KUL (Legal Studies of The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) - member of the editorial board (since 2016)
Université de Strasbourg (DRES) - September-December 2015
Main areas of research:
- systems of financing religious denominations in Europe
- activity of Church Fund
- financing of religious denominations in Poland
- religious freedom in Europe
Member of the organizing comitee of the international conference:
"Religion and Territory", 25-26 October 2012, University of Manchester (UK);
Presence of the Cross in Public Spaces: Experiences of Selected European Countries, 10-12 November 2014, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Read more / En savoir plus : http://www.eurel.info/spip.php?rubrique836&lang=en
Read more / En savoir plus : http://www.eurel.info/spip.php?rubrique836&lang=en
Formatting Nonreligion in Late Modern Societies - Institutional and Legal Perspectives, 26-27 September 2018, University of Oslo
Read more / En savoir plus : http://www.eurel.info/spip.php?rubrique836&lang=en
Publications (see more)
Współzależność i współodpowiedzialność finansowa członków wspólnoty religijnej, "Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne" 2015, nr 4, s. 23-43.
O ekspozycji symboli religijnych w budynkach publicznych, w: O wolność słowa i religii: praktyka i teoria, red. F. Longchamps de Bérier, K. Szczucki, Warszawa 2016, s. 171-192.
Presence of the Cross in Public Spaces: Experiences of Selected European Countries, red. P. Stanisz, M. Zawiślak, M. Ordon, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge 2016, ss. 267.
Poland. The Catholic Church's Influence on Social, Political and Private Life, in: Religion and Secularism in the European Union. State of Affairs and Current Debates, eds. Jan Nelis, Caroline Sägesser, Jean-Philippe Schreiber, Bruksela 2017, s. 141-146.
The limitations of religious practices in Polish prisons, „Review of Comparative Law” 2017, vol. 30, nr 3, s. 107-123.