Marek Smarzewski, PhD
(The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin)
Assistant Professor in the Department of Criminal Procedure at the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin; Attorney at the Bar Association in Lublin.
He was born on January 10, 1983 in Lublin. In the years 2002-2007 he studied at the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. He obtained the professional title of a master's degree on the basis of a master's thesis entitled “Social harmfulness of an act in Polish criminal law”. From 1 September 2010 to 31 January 2011 – scholar on the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. In 2011 he completed post-graduate studies in Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Catholic University of Lublin. From October 1, 2011, he was employed as an assistant at the Center for Legal Information Technology at the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of the Catholic University of Lublin. In the academic year 2011/2012, he also received a scholarship, based on the regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of July 19, 2011. On September 25, 2012, he defended his doctoral dissertation entitled “Passive subject of crime on background of Italian criminal law". On the basis of the decision of the Council of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin on 16 October 2012, he obtained a PhD degree in law (specialization: criminal law). By virtue of a resolution of the Board of the Scientific Society of the Catholic University of Lublin from June 19, 2013, he was appointed a member of the collaborator of the Faculty of Legal Sciences. From October 28, 2013, a member of the editorial committee of the Annals of Juridical Sciences: Law, Canon Law, Administration. On June 26, 2014 - by resolution of the Senate of the Catholic University of Lublin - he was appointed a member of the Disciplinary Commission for Students and PhD Students. He was promoted to the post of associate professor - with effect from October 1, 2014. From October 1, 2015, he was employed in the Department of Criminal Procedure at the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of the Catholic University of Lublin. He is secretary of the Chair. Based on the resolution of the Council of the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of 19 January 2016 - supervisor of student internships. Starting from February 18, 2016 - coordinator of the penal section, operating at the University Legal Clinic of the Catholic University of Lublin. In the years 2015-2017, an advocate trainee at the Bar Association in Lublin. Attorney - since April 11, 2018.
List of the more important publications:
- Smarzewski M., Passive subject of crime on background of Italian criminal law, Lublin 2013, pp. 236.
- Smarzewski M., Cyber-Terrorism and Terrorist Cyber-Crime, „Ius Novum” 2015, no. 1, p. 64-75 (available also in English).
- Smarzewski M., Effects of repeal of Art. 80a of Code of Criminal Procedure in the enhanced consensual proceedings and in changed model of appeal proceedings (as amended by the amendment of 11th March 2016), in: Penal proces in the era of changes. The course of proceedings, ed. S. Steinborn, K. Woźniewski, Gdańsk 2018, p. 107-120.
- Smarzewski M., Equity and purposefulness in apllications of psychiatric observation in Polish criminal proceedings, „Przegląd Sądowy” 2019, no. 1, p. 43-54.
- Smarzewski M., Limits of effectiveness of right to attorney during criminal trial in context of recent amendments to code od criminal procedure, „Monitor Prawniczy” 2016, vol. 21, p. 1154-1160.
- Smarzewski M., Private Expert Opinion on Background of Technical Consultant's Position in the Italian Criminal Proceedings, „Forum Prawnicze” 2020, no. 1, p. 58-71.
- Smarzewski M., The Right to Defence in Poland. Remarks on the Latest Amendments of the Code of Criminal Procedure from the European Perspective, "Review of European and Comparative Law" 2020, vol. XLI, no. 2, p. 81-107 (available in English).
- Smarzewski M., Rilevanza del concetto di soggetto passivo del reato sullo sfondo del diritto penale polacco (The Concept of a Passive Subject of a Crime in the Background of the Polish Criminal Law), „Studi polacco-italiani di Toruń” 2014, vol. 10, p. 41-73 (available in Italian).
- Smarzewski M., Toward New Focus on Retributive Justice. Reflections on Background of Passive Subject of Crime, „Roczniki Nauk Prawnych KUL” 2015, no. 4, p. 69-90 (available in English).
- Smarzewski M., Banach M., Attorney's right to defence in criminal proceedings and in advocates disciplinary proceedings accordings to legal professional privilege, „Palestra” 2019, no. 3, p. 40-54.
- Smarzewski M., Banach M., Protection of Legal Professional Privilege in Criminal Proceedings in Connection with the Trial Procedures of Examination and Search, „Palestra” 2017, no. 3, p. 75-87.
- Smarzewski M., Kryczka P., Efficiency of suspect’s right of defence in preparatory proceedings (access to case files after a request to apply or extend detention has been made), „Państwo i Prawo” 2018, no. 4, p. 88-99.
- Smarzewski M., Urbanovich P., Security in Cyberspace and Criminal Law, in: Veritas in caritate, ed. M. Tkaczyk, M. Krupa, K. Jaworski, Lublin 2016, p. 489-495.