Marek Jeziorański

Marek Jeziorański, PhD Habil, Associate Professor

in the Faculty of Social Sciences of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland. Chair of General Pedagogy 



My scientific interests are located in the area of general pedagogy, theory of upbringing, philosophy of upbringing. They are particularly concerned with the issue of the educational relationship, its specificity, anthropological, social and cultural conditions and its importance in the process of upbringing.

Author of The Educational Relationship. Understanding, Models, Proposal (KUL 2022).


Editor-In-Chief of the scientific journal Roczniki Pedagogiczne:

President of the Polish Pedagogical Society Lublin Branch (Polskiego Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego) (since 2022)

Member of the management board of the research group ACISE (Association Catholique Internationale des Institutions de Sciences de L’Education):




Last update: 09.01.2025 18:55