Łukasz Borowiec


Prace licencjackie
  • Relations among homeless people and their families in Tony Teardrop by Esther Wilson
  • Temptation as a Trap in the Radio Play "The Devil's Violin" by Lucy Rivers
  • Aspects of deafness in Early Warning by Richard Monks
  • The Process of Coming of Age in the Radio Drama "The Man with Wings" by Rachel Joyce
  • Womanhood vs. Girlhood in the Radio Drama "Educator" by Haley Squires
  • The Motif of Journey in ''The Hitchhiker'' by Lucille Fletcher
  • Radiophonic representation of Vampire in BBC Radio production of Bram Stoker's Dracula
  • The Search for Self-Identity in the Radio Play "Rock me Amadeus"
  • The Motif of Death in the Radio Drama "When the Night Has No Right to Be King" by John Lynch
  • Insanity as an Escape to Alternative Reality in the Radio Drama "The Shining Heart" by Conor McCormack and Matt Haynes
  • Means of Expressing Humour on the Basis of the Radio Drama 'When I Lived in Peru' by Andrew Viner
Prace magisterskie
  • Archetypes that People Live by in Selected Plays by Christina Reid and Marina Carr
  • Biblical Motifs In Selected Modern Rock Operas
  • Aspects of Violence in Selected Modern British Plays
  • Fantasy and Science Fiction in Contemporary British Radio Drama
  • Representations of War in Selected Modern British Plays
  • Elements of Naturalism in selected plays by H. Pinter and J.B. Priestley.
  • The Poetics of Plays by Sarah Kane - Theory, Application, Effect
  • The Role of History in Selected Modern British Radio Plays
  • Representations of Educational Process in Selected Modern British Plays