Krzysztof Kaucha

Academic Curriculum Vitae


Rev. PhD hab. Krzysztof [Christopher/Chris] Kaucha, professor at KUL

Born on Feb. 22, 1968 in Lublin, Poland. Catholic priest of Archdiocese of Lublin (ordained May 29, 1993). One of the closest disciples and followers of Rev. prof. Marian Rusecki (1942-2012) – main founder and pillar of Lublin School of Fundamental Theology.


1. Academic career:

In May 11, 1993 graduated from Catholic University in Lublin (shortcut name in Polish: KUL) Theology Department (MA Programme „A” – for candidates to the priesthood) and achieved MA in Theology after had defended MA dissertation Teologia objawienia i jej eklezjologiczne konsekwencje w pismach Avery Dullesa [Theology of Revelation and Its Ecclesiological Consequences in Avery Dulles Writings]. His writing tutor was Rev. prof. PhD hab. Marian Rusecki. After two years (1993-95) of work as a parish priest in Blessed Queen Helwig Parish in Lublin, began doctoral studies in fundamental theology at Fundamental Theology Section at KUL (Oct. 1, 1995). In June of 1997 obtained ecclesiastical licentiate degree in fundamental theology. In Oct. 1, 1997 employed as assistant-professor in Fundamental Theology Section at KUL. In May, 1998 earned PhD in fundamental theology after had defended PhD dissertation Agapetologiczna wiarygodność chrześcijaństwa według Battisty Mondina [Agapetological Credibility of Christianity According to Battista Mondin]. His writing tutor was Rev. Marian Rusecki. Since Feb. 15, 2000 adjunct-professor at Chair of Fundamental Ecclesiology. In Nov. 25, 2008 obtained PhD habilitation degree in fundamental theology on the base of academic work and monography Wiarygodność Kościoła w kontekście wyzwań współczesności europejskiej w świetle nauczania Jana Pawła II [Credibility of the Church in the Context of Contemporary European Challenges in the Light of John Paul II’s Teaching] (Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2008). Since Oct. 1, 2010 professor at KUL.


2. Academic Work (Publications and Their Contents):

From quantitative point of view he released 2 individual monographies (PhD dissertation: Miłość za miłość. Wiarygodność chrześcijaństwa według Battisty Mondina [Love for Love. Credibility of Christianity According to Battista Mondin]. Lublin: RW KUL 2000, and habilitation  dissertation: Wiarygodność Kościoła w kontekście wyzwań współczesności europejskiej w świetle nauczania Jana Pawła II [Credibility of the Church in the Context of Contemporary European Challenges in the Light of John Paul II’s Teaching]. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2008), about 50 academic papers, about 50 lexicon or encyclopedia articles, 18 popular articles, 15 book reviews, and 16 academic events reports.


Papers in English:

  • Arguments for the credibility of Christianity in John Paul II’s encyclical ,,Fides et ratio”, ,,Lateranum. Facoltà di Teologia”, nr 3 (70):2004, pp. 475-487
  • Contemporary Theology in the Service of Person and Culture in Europe, in: Theologie im Osten Europas seit 1989. Entwicklungen und Perspektiven, ed. A. Franz and W. Baum, Berlin: LIT Verlag Dr. W. Hopf 2009 (Theologie Ost – West. Europäische Perspektiven, ed. J. Juhant and A. Franz, vol. 12), pp. 162-165
  • Perspectives of Polish Fundamental Theology after Auschwitz, in: Dialogue at the edge of Auschwitz. Perspectives for a Theology after Auschwitz, ed. M. Deselaers, Kraków-Oświęcim: Wydawnictwo UNUM, Centre for Dialogue and Prayer 2014, pp. 83-106
  • Mediterranean Studies as a University Course and Discipline, ,,Mediterranean Studies”. A Journal of Scholarship on the Mediterranean Region and Its Influence 20:2012, nr 1, pp. 121-125
  • Credibility of Faith: the Relationship between Faith and Reason in the Transmission of the Faith/Credibilità della fede: il rapporto tra la fede e ragione nella transmissione della fede, in: Pontificium Consilium De Nova Evangelizatione Promovenda, Il Catechista testimone della fede. Sintesi degli interventi del Congresso Internazionale di Catechisti (Città del Vaticano-Roma, 26-29 IX 2013), Roma: Lineamenta org. 2013, pp. 16 and 18 (in English), pp. 17 and 19 (in Italian),
  • The Relationship Between Faith, Reason, And Science In The Transmission Of The Faith In The Times Of Growing Secularization, ,,Roczniki Teologiczne” [,,Theological Reviews” released by Theology Department at KUL] 61:2014, vol. 9, 33-42,
  • The Identity of Local and Particular Catholic Churches. Methodological Outline, ,,Roczniki Teologiczne” [,,Theological Reviews”] 64:2017, vol. 9 (,,Teologia Fundamentalna i Religiologia”) [,,Fundamental Theology and Religiology”], pp. 45-58 (DOI:


Papers in German:

  • Ein methodologischer Umriss der Fundamentalekklesiologie, ,,Theologie und Glaube” 100:2010, nr 2, pp. 194-207
  • Perspektiven der polnischen Fundamentaltheologie nach Auschwitz, in: Dialog an der Schwelle von Auschwitz, M. Deselaers, Bibliotek des Zentrums für Dialog und Gebet in Oświęcim bd. 2: Perspektiven einer Theologie nach Auschwitz, Kraków-Oświęcim: Verlag Unum, Zentrum für Dialog und Gebet 2011, pp. 115-144.


Paper in Italian:

  • ,,Il cristianesimo di domani”. II Congresso Internazionale di Teologia Fondamentale (Univesità Cattolica di Lublino [KUL], 18-21 settembre 2001), Gregorianum 83:2002, vol. 3, pp. 559-570.


Co-editor of 8 academic books. Among others:

- Chrześcijaństwo jutra. Materiały II Międzynarodowego Kongresu Teologii Fundamentalnej (Lublin, 18-21 IX 2001) [Christianity of Tomorrow. Materials of the Second International Congress of Fundamental Theology (Lublin, 18-21 IX 2001)], ed. M. Rusecki, K. Kaucha, Z. Krzyszowski, I.S. Ledwoń, J. Mastej. Lublin: TN KUL 2001,

- Leksykon Teologii Fundamentalnej [Lexicon/Dictionary of Fundamental Theology], ed. M. Rusecki, K. Kaucha, I.S. Ledwoń, J. Mastej. Lublin-Kraków: Wydawnictwo ,,M” 2002,

- Kościół w czasach Jana Pawła II [The Church in the Times of John Paul II ], ed. M. Rusecki, K. Kaucha, J. Mastej. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, Wydawnictwo ,,Gaudium” 2005,

- Scio cui credidi. Księga pamiątkowa ku czci Księdza Profesora Mariana Ruseckiego w 65. rocznicę urodzin [Scio cui credidi. Festschrift-book dedicated to Rev. Professor Marian Rusecki at His 65. Birthday], ed. I.S. Ledwoń, K. Kaucha, Z. Krzyszowski, J. Mastej, A. Pietrzak. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2007,

- Nauka wobec zjawisk paranormalnych [Science on Paranormal Phenomena], ed. K. Kaucha, J. Mastej. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2011),

- Rev. Marian Rusecki. Traktat o Kościele [Treatise on the Church], ed. K. Kaucha, P. Królikowski, J. Mastej. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2014,

- Oblicza Kościoła katolickiego w Polsce. 1050. rocznica Chrztu [Features of the Catholic Church in Poland. 1050 Years of Christianity in Poland], ed. J. Mastej, K. Kaucha, P. Borto. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2016.


Academic work and publications’ contents touches on the following issues: methodology of Fundamental Ecclesiology, credibility of the Church, contemporary challenges for the credibility of the Church, contemporary criticism of the Church, identity of the Church, new arguments for the credibility of Christianity and the Church (veritative – based on the truth, agapetological – based on love, based on beauty argument, metaphysical, meaning-creative, anthropological-vocative, ethical, culture-creative, values-creative, community-creative, Europe-creative, praxeological), signs of the Church’s credibility, credibility and identity of the Church in Poland, history and academic work of Lublin School of Fundamental Theology, academic work of Rev. Marian Rusecki, fundamental theology in Joseph Ratzinger’s academic work, fundamental theology and philosophy.


3. Successfully Completed Grant: main manager of ,,Lexicon/Dictionary of Fundamental Theology” Ministerial Grant (1999-2001) completed by releasing Lexicon/Dictionary of Fundamental Theology (Lublin-Kraków 2002, pp. 1429)


4. Some Academic Achievements and Experience:

  1. Writing tutor of 3 PhD dissertations in Fundamental Theology, of 2 ecclesiastical licentiate dissertations in Systematic Theology (in English), of 13 MA dissertations in Theology, of 4 MA dissertations in Mediterranean Studies, and of 22 BA dissertations in Mediterranean Studies,
  2. 5 times a member of earning PhD habilitation procedure commissions (3 times as a reviewer),
  3. 5 times a reviewer in earning PhD procedures,
  4. Member of international conferences organizing committees:

- of the Second International Congress of Fundamental Theology ,,Christianity of Tomorrow” (KUL, Sept. 18-21, 2001),

-  of ,,Europe, Be Yourself! European Forum in Lublin on the Church’s Role and Tasks in the Context of European Unity” dedicated to John Paul II at His 84. Birthday (KUL, May 17-19, 2004),

- of ,,Pope’s Primate in the Service for the Unity of the Church“ (KUL, 18 XI 2014)

  1. Presentation in English ,,The Credibility of Faith. The Relationship between Faith and Reason in the Transmission of the Faith” during the International Congress for Catechists ,,Catechist as a Witness of Faith” organized by Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization (Vatican City, Sept 27, 2013),
  2. Roles in academic organizations (as a result of elections):

- in the Board of Fundamental Theologians in Poland Society (2005-2016 – secretary, since Sept. 22, 2016 member of the Board),

- president of Theology Committee in Polish Academy of Sciences Section in Lublin (since Jan. 20, 2015).

  1. Initiator and coordinator of Marian Rusecki Memorial Lectures organized (every year since 2013) by Institute of Fundamental Theology in memory of Rev. prof. Marian Rusecki (First Edition: academic conference „How Can Christianity Attract Attention in the Times of Smartphones?” – Dec. 2, 2013; Second Edition: international conference ,,Pope’s Primate in the Service of the Unity of the Church“ – 18, 2014; Third Edition: conference ,,Theology and Sciences” – Nov. 30-Dec. 1, 2015; Fouth Edition: conference ,,Fundamental Theology in Joseph Ratzinger’s academic work” – Dec. 12-13, 2016).

5. Academic Awards:

  1. KUL President’s Group First Level Academic Award (granted to Institute of Fundamental Theology) for organizing the Second International Congress of Fundamental Theology ,,Christianity of Tomorrow” in 2001,
  2. Lublin Academic Award of the Year 2002 (Premium Scientiarium Lublinense) known as Lublin Nobel Prize for releasing Lexicon/Dictionary of Fundamental Theology (2003),
  3. KUL President’s Group First Level Academic Award for releasing a book The Church in the Times of John Paul II (ed. M. Rusecki, K. Kaucha, J. Mastej) (in Dec. 2005; few months after John Paul II passed away),
  4. KUL President’s Individual Academic Award for releasing a habilitation dissertation (2009),
  5. KUL President’s Group Third Level Academic Award for academic activities (twice: in 2011 and 2013).

6. Hobbies: life, theology, sciences, philosophy, sports: running (2 half-marathons), soccer, gym work-out, swimming.

Last update: 28.10.2017 11:29