• Nuclear energy and financial development for a clean environment: examining the N-Shaped environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis in top nuclear energy-consuming countries
    [w:] Energies
  • The impact of renewable energy consumption on environmental quality in Central European countries: the meditating role of digitalization and financial development
    [w:] Energies
  • Economic growth, religiosity, and the environment. A comparative study based on the environmental kuznets curve
    [w:] Transformacje
  • The Influence of Religion on Economic Growth and the Environment. A Literature Review
    [w:] Transformacje

  • Wygłoszenie referatu na konferencji krajowej





  • Real convergence of the Central and Eastern European EU member states
    [Realna konwergencja gospodarcza państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej z Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej. Transformacja, integracja i polityka spójności]
  • Energy - Growth: The role of trade openness in new EU members from Central and Eastern Europe. Preliminary results
    [The role of trade openness in new EU members from Central and Eastern Europe. Preliminary results]
  • Inequality and real convergence in the European Union and ASEAN. The comparative analysis

  • 2016

    Staż finansowany ze środków międzynarodowych spoza UE




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