Prace licencjackie
  • Sports in Human Life: A Lexicographic Approach
  • Practices of Proper Translations in Business
  • Male and Female Styles of Communication
  • Translating "The Divided Mind" by John E. Sarno: Issues of Medical Translation
  • Changes in Communication on the Basis of Written Records and Modern Media
  • Vocabulary of Eating and Feeding Disorders: A Lexicographic Approach
  • The Influence of the English Language in Korean Popular Music
  • The Influence of Mass Media on the Social and Psychological Development of Children: A Lexicographic Approach
  • The Influence of Stress on Human Life: A Lexicographic Approach


Prace licencjackie
  • English loans into Polish in the area of business
  • Selected English phrasal verbs in corpus linguistics
  • Learning technical English vocabulary focused on machine industry
  • English loan words in Polish
  • Idioms in English, Spanish and Polish
  • Methodology of teaching English as a foreign language
  • Errors in translation on the basis of Bill Cosby's chosen works
Prace magisterskie
  • "Absent in the Spring" by Agatha Christie: A Comparative Analysis of Two Polish Translations.
  • Translation of song lyrics from English into Polish on the basis of selected examples
  • The Analysis of Selected Translation Problems of Shark Tale
  • Teaching Lexical Items to Young Children