Wypromowane prace dyplomowe
Prace magisterskie
- Neologisms in Prose and Poetry. (Neologizmy w literaturze i w poezji.)
- Cloning Mechanism: Form and Meaning. (Mechanizm klonowania: forma i znaczenie)
- Problems with level ordering in English morphology. (Problemy z teorią stratyfikacji w morfologii języka angielskiego).
Prace magisterskie
- Universality of idioms'. Uniwersalność idiomów (związków frazeologicznych).
- English Loauwrds into Polish: Musical Terms.
- Relationskip between productivity and semantic regularities in morphological processes in English.
- 'Word Manufacturing: an outline, insight and constraints' (Produkcja leksykalna: zarys, wgląd i ograniczenia.)
- The Status of Semi- Affixes in English Word- Formation. (Status Semi- Afiksów w języku angielskim.
- A contrastive analysis of phraseological units with the constituents "eye" and "hand" in Polish and English.
Prace magisterskie
- "The phenomenon of nominal and verbal conversion in English, Polish and Dutch. (Zjawisko konwersji nominalno-werbalnej w języku angielskim, polskim i holenderskim).
- Reflexivisation phenomena across the languages: english, polish and russian.
- Nominal and verbal inherent categories of inflection in Old English and Modern English.
- "Morphosyntactic Accounts of Agrammatism in Broca's Aphasia"
- "Gender differences in English".
- "Similarities and differences in semantic patterns of English and Polish noun-noun compounds".
- "Lexicalisation as the last stage in the history of words"
- Rules of blocking of word production in English.
- "Productivity of affixation in word formation" (Produktywność afiksacji w słowotwórstwie).
- "Arbitrariness versus Sound Symbolism".
- "Distinctions between British English and American English in terms of spelling and morphology".