Wypromowane prace dyplomowe
Prace magisterskie
- Chosen compound words in the English and the Polish versions of "Brave New World" by A. Huxley.
- Inversion and Fronting in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century English.
Prace magisterskie
- Morphological and non-morphological procesess in neologisms. A comparative study of Polish and English.
Prace magisterskie
- Clipping and Acronymization in English and Spanish.
- Productivity, creativity and Analogy in Word-formation.
- Headedness of Compounds.
- The Influence of English on the Polish of the Younger Genaration of Poles.
- Selected classes of English compounds and corresponding expressions in Polish.
- Productivity of selected non-concatenative processes.
- Productivity of Conversion Processes in Present-Day English.
- Problems in Word Change.
- Colour idioms in English.
- The Productivity of Selected Affixes in English, German and Hungarian.
- Spell Checking Software Evaluation.
- Word-manufacturing Processes in English and Polish and their Future.
- Main varieties of lexical semantic change.
- Restrictions on suffix combination in English.
Prace magisterskie
- Clitics in English: basic concepts, problems with categorization and cliticization in informal register.
- French loanwords in the English language.(Zapożyczenia francuskie w języku angielskim)
- Metaphor and idiom. A comparative study of the figures. (Metafora i idiom. Analiza porównawcza obydwu figur.)