Wypromowane prace dyplomowe
Prace licencjackie
- The use of context in teaching English vocabulary
- Aspects of gender differences in teaching English in Primary Schools
- A Case of Storytelling as a Successful Tactic in Teaching English to Primary School Pupils
- Teching Communicative Skills to Foreign Language Students in the Light of the Common European Framework System
- Developing communication skills with CMC tools.
- The Role of Motivational Variables in Learning English as a Foreign Language: a Comparative Study
- Use of Songs in Teching Vocabulary and Grammar to Teenage EFL Learners
- Student-centred Learning through Authentic Materials
- An English Lesson as a Way of Developing Social Interactions at the Early Stages of Education
Prace magisterskie
- Borrowings in English; the diachronic perspective.
- The Morphology-Syntax Interface. An Analysis of Clitics and Pseudo-Affixes in English and other Selected Languages.
- Acquisition of language - a case of second language acquisition.
- Major phenomena evoked by clitics in English and Polish.
- An analysis of modern newspaper compound corpus in English.
- Robert Cawdrey's dictionary 1604 - in search of a principle.
- Semantic and syntactic aspect of English and Polish exocentric compounds.
- English Borrowings in Polish. Comparison of Standard and non-standard register.
- Language Change and Planning.The Globalisation of English versus Nationalism of Icelandic.
- The nature of inner-linguistic neologisms.
- The Language of Mass Media.