Wypromowane prace dyplomowe
Prace magisterskie
- Słowniki dla dzieci: założenia teoretyczne i przykładowy słownik.
- Zapożyczenia niemieckie w języku angielskim
- Grammatical function of the most productive negative prefixes in English and Polish participial adjectives
- Verb deriving capacity of English suffixation
- Expressing valency through affixation in English
- An analysis of the most and least productive suffixes forming Nomina Essendi in English and Polish
- Angielskie zapożyczenia we współczesnym języku polskim w dziedzinie technologii informacyjnych.
- Spanglish as a mixture of the English and Spanish grammar systems
Rozprawy doktorskie
- Structuring of News Discourse in English and Polish - a Corpus-Based Analysis of the Popular Press Texts
Prace magisterskie
- Modern IT Neologisms and Borrowings in English and Polish.
Prace magisterskie
- Types of Coordination in Cicero's " De re publica" and Livy's "Ab Urbe condita". An Interlingual Latin - English Analysis.
- An analysis of English animal idioms.
- Celtic Languages in the British Isles.
- Comparision of Love and Life Metaphors in the Doors' and the Beatles' Lyrics.
- Traces of foreign language influence on English vocabulary across its history.
- Nominal compounds in English.
- Sandhi Phenomena in British English Against a Broader Linguistic Background
- Differences between British and American English
- Conventions in subtitling and main difficulties with their translation.
- False Friends in Translation on the Basis of Several Indo-European Languges.