Wypromowane prace dyplomowe
Prace magisterskie
- Animal Verbs and Nouns and their Metaphorical Extensions in English
- Arabic loans in English.
- English borrowings in Modern Polish.
- Ambiguity in English
- Time measurement and Zodiac in Chinese and German as compared to English
- English borrowings in Polish TV commercials.
- Verb-Formation in English
- Situating verbs in space: selected English verbal prefixes.
- Word coining in English on the Internet
- Lexical borrowing in English: Scandinavian, French and Japanese loanwords in the English language
- English loans into the Polish computer slang
- The Major Valency Properties of the English Verbs
- Synchronic and Diachronic Lexical Differences Between Selected Dialects of English.
- Comparison of English and German idiomatic expressions with colours and body parts.
- English negative prefixes
- The use of English neologisms in short text messages among Polish teenagers
- The Productivity of Selected Affixes in English
- Similarities and differences of women's and men's language on the basis of English and Polish
- Paradigmatic and syntagmatic word relations in semantics and word association studies
- Inter-Cultural Communication in the Process of Learning English.