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Prace licencjackie
- Main stages in the first language acquisition
- Problems with performing vocal music in translation
- Latin borrowings into Old English on the basis of selected texts
- Locational prefixes in English
- An analysis of English and Polish idioms of colour
- The process of creating a fictional langauge - based on J.R.R. Tolkien's "Sindarin" and David J. Peterson's "Dothraki"
- Personality trait idioms in English and Polish
- Anglicisms used in England by Polish immigrant workers. A contrastive linguistic analysis
Prace licencjackie
- Cognates in English and Spanish
- Proverbs with animals terms in English and Polish
- Compound nouns
- Neologisms in text messages in young people’s dialects.
- Lexical differences between selected synonymous British and American idioms.
- An analysis of idioms and sayings in chosen films of Tim Burton
- Coherence and cohesion in spoken and written American English
- Characteristics of the innovative language uses in the Facebook community.
- Prefixes with adjectives in English
- Errors in Polish Young Learners’ Pronunciation Versus Flashcards Techniques
- An analysis of neologisms and their translations in 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'
- Sounds of nature in language: evidence from English and Polish