Religious Self-Identification and Culture—About the Role of Religiosity in Cultural Participation

Artykuł naukowy w czasopiśmie recenzowany

Czasopismo: Religions (ISSN: 2077-1444)
Współautorzy: Magdalena Lipnicka
Rok wydania: 2021
Tom: 12
Numer czasopisma: 11: 1028
Strony od-do: 1-15
Dostęp WWW:

Cytowanie w formacie Bibtex:
author = "Tomasz Peciakowski and Magdalena Lipnicka",
title = "Religious Self-Identification and Culture—About the Role of Religiosity in Cultural Participation",
journal = "Religions",
year = "2021",
number = "11: 1028",
pages = "1-15"

Cytowanie w formacie APA:
Peciakowski, T. and Magdalena Lipnicka(2021). Religious Self-Identification and Culture—About the Role of Religiosity in Cultural Participation. Religions, 11: 1028, 1-15.