Sejm i Senat w procesie koordynacji polskiej prezydencji w Radzie UE
[Sejm and the Senate in the process of coordination of the Polish Presidency of the EU Council]

Rozdział w recenzowanej książce naukowej

Miejsce: Zamość
Rok wydania: 2013
Tytuł publikacji: Dostosowywanie polskiego prawa publicznego do prawa Unii Europejskiej: wybrane zagadnienia
Redaktorzy: Mateusz Chrzanowski, Wojciech Orłowski
Strony od-do: 113-120
Streszczenie: Legislature structures for the coordination of EU play a significant role in formulation Polish interests and position in the European system. Polish structures is a mixture of Lisbon Regulations and internal laws reforming national coordination structures after 2010. According to the current system, The Sejm with The Senat states the main national parliamentary mechanism in coordination of the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Although The Polish Presidency begins on 1 July 2011, Parliamentary dimension of The Polish Presidency of the EU Council has already started and consists: Debates in The Sejm and the Senat and parliamentary cooperation of the Presidency Trio: Poland, Denmark and Cyprus. On the other hand the crucial aspect of coordination is a cooperation with the European Parliament who has some power in imperative political issues, as long as Jerzy Buzek is The President of the European Parliament.
Słowa kluczowe: prawo Unii Europejskiej, koordynacja polityki europejskiej w Polsce, legislacja, prawo konstytucyjne