• Selective Auditory Attention and Spatial Disorientation Cues Effect on Flight Performance
    [Selektywna słuchowa uwaga i przestrzenna dezorientacja wpływa na wydajność lotu]

    [w:] Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance
  • Electrophysiological correlates of timbre imagery and perception
    [Elektrofizjologiczne korelacje obrazów i percepcji barwy]

  • The Impact of Different Visual Feedbacks in User Training on Motor Imagery Control in BCI
    [Wpływ różnych informacji zwrotnych na szkolenie użytkowników w zakresie obrazowania motorycznego w BCI]

  • The Effect of Art Expertise on Eye Fixation-Related Potentials During Aesthetic Judgment Task in Focal and Ambient Modes
    [w:] Frontiers in Psychology
  • Spatial disorientation cue effects on gaze behaviour in pilots and non-pilots
    [w:] Cognition Technology & Work
  • The dissolution of temporal distance increases risk-taking: experimental evidence
    [w:] Scientific Reports
  • Identifying experts in the field of visual arts using oculomotor signals
    [w:] Journal of Eye Movement Research
  • The effects of arousal and approach motivated positive affect on cognitive control. An ERP study
    [w:] Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
  • The effects of arousal and approach motivated positive affect on cognitive control. An ERP study
    [w:] Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
  • Eye Movement Correlates of Expertise in Visual Arts
    [w:] Frontiers in Human Neuroscience
  • Selective Attention and Working Memory Under Spatial Disorientation in a Flight Simulator
    [Selektywna uwaga i pamięć robocza w przestrzennej dezorientacji w symulatorze lotu]

    [w:] The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology
  • The effects of motor expertise on sensorimotor rhythm desynchronization during execution and imagery of sequential movements
    [Wpływ doświadczenia motorycznego na desynchronizację rytmu sensomotorycznego podczas wykonywania i obrazowanie ruchów sekwencyjnych]

    [w:] ACS Chemical Neuroscience