Research Grants/Fellowships:
5-25 August, 2019 Research grant at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC, USA
(stypendium PROM – Międzynarodowa wymiana stypendialna doktorantów i kadry akademickiej w ramach funduszu NAWA)
April 2003 Salzburg Seminar Session on Contemporary American Literature:
Cultural Diversity and Aesthetic Continuities, Salzburg, Austria
September 2002 Society of the Friends of the Catholic University of Lublin: research grant, London, Great Britain
July - August 2002 Fulbright American Studies Institute on Contemporary American Literature (Northern Illinois University), DeKalb, Illinois and Lake George, Colorado, USA
- “Hill House Revisited: From Shirley Jackson’s Private Terrors to a Netflix Horror Show” Conference: Gothic Terror, Gothic Horror. Romeoville, Illinois USA, Lewis University and International Gothic Association, July 30-August 2, 2019
- “Unspeakable Things Unspoken: Affect Theory and Female Gothic,” (Re)presentations of America, Lublin, November 9, 2018
- “Postwar Psychiatry and Female Melancholia in Shirley Jackson’s The Bird’s Nest,” PAAS Conference, Łódź, 24-26 October 2018
- “What is Really Haunting Hill House? Affect and Architecture in Shirley Jackson’s Gothic Fiction,” International Conference Gothic Hybridities: Interdisciplinary, Multimodal and Transhistorical Approaches, International Gothic Association and Manchester Centre for Gothic Studies, Manchester, Great Britain, July 31 – August 3, 2018.
- “Sinister Suburbia in the Fiction of Shirley Jackson”, TEXTS 6 Conference, Lublin, May 2017.
- “The Architecture of a Nightmare: Spatial Metaphors in Gothic Fiction”, TEXTS 5 Conference, Lublin, December 2016
- “(De)Constructing Whiteness: Racial Anxieties in Contemporary American Studies”, PAAS Conference, Warsaw, October 2016
- “The Ghosting of Race in Philip Roth’s The Human Stain”, ExRe(y): Spaces of Expression and Repression in Post-Millenial North-American Literature and Visual Culture, Lublin, April 2016
- “Spectral Aunts and Evil Grandmothers in Contemporary Female Gothic”, TEXTS 4 Conference, Lublin, November 2015
- “The Uncanny Tapestry of Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Lovely House’”, PAAS Conference, Warsaw, September 2015
- “Thomas Ligotti and the Contemporary Gothic”, TEXTS Conference, Lublin, December 2014
- “Robert Coover’s Comic Pornotopia in The Adventures of Lucky Pierre”, PAAS Conference, Puławy, October 2009
- “(Un)lucky Pierre or, the Ambiguities: Performing the Phantom Body in Robert Coover’s The Adventures of Lucky Pierre”, International Gothic Association Conference: Monstrous Media/Spectral Subjects, Lancaster University, England, July 2009
- “Farewell to Flesh: The Uncanny Carnivalesque in Robert Coover’s Pinocchio in Venice”, International Gothic Association Conference, Aix-en-Provence, France, June 2007
- “Carnival Revisited: The Return of the Clown in Thomas Ligotti’s ‘The Last Feast of Harlequin’”, PAAS Conference, Warsaw, November 2006
- “Woodened in Venice: Robert Coover’s Reweaving of the Pinocchio Tale”, PAAS Conference, Poznań, October 2003
- “Toni Morrison’s Version of Black America and redefinition of some Popular Myths”, PAAS Conference, Wrocław, November 2000
- “Real Games and Fictional Players: Game Structures in Contemporary Novels”, PASE Conference, Gdańsk, April 2000
April 2019 lectures and classes on American literature at Universidad de Murcia, Spain (Erasmus+)
April 2016 lectures and classes on American literature at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA (Erasmus+)
2009 - 2015 member of the Editorial Board of Polish Journal for American Studies
April 2010 Lectures on contemporary American literature in the framework of
Socrates/Erasmus Program, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
April 2004 Lectures on contemporary American literature in the framework of
Socrates/Erasmus Program, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
April 2019 lectures and classes on American literature at Universidad de Murcia, Spain (Erasmus+)
April 2016 lectures and classes on American literature at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA (Erasmus+)
2009 - 2015 member of the Editorial Board of Polish Journal for American Studies
April 2010 Lectures on contemporary American literature in the framework of
Socrates/Erasmus Program, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
April 2004 Lectures on contemporary American literature in the framework of
Socrates/Erasmus Program, Universidad de Vigo, Spain
May 2004 Continual Professional Development workshops, ("Grant Application and CV Writing"), Civic Education Project, Vilnius
January 2004 Continual Professional Development workshops, ("Course (Re-)Design in the Context of the Bologna Process"), Civic Education Project, Vilnius
November 2003 Continual Professional Development workshops, ("Teaching and Learning"), Civic Education Project, Prague
September 2003 "The Many American Wests" - seminar on contemporary American literature, Łódź, Poland
November 2002 Polish Association for American Studies conference, Wrocław, Poland
November 2001 Polish Association for American Studies conference, Puławy, Poland
Memberships and Affiliations
International Gothic Association- February 2007 - present
The Polish Association for American Studies - November 2000 - present
The Carnivalesque Muse: The New Fiction of Robert Coover. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL & Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, 2010.
“The Neo-Gothic Imaginary and the Rhetoric of Loss in Colson Whitehead’s The Underground Railroad.” Polish Journal for American Studies, vol. 13 (Autumn 2019), pp. 271-279.
“The Uncanny Tapestry of Shirley Jackson’s ‘The Lovely House.’” Kultura Popularna, no. 4, vol. 58 (2018), pp. 80-89.
“Shirley Jackson’s Affective Gothicism: The Discourse of Melancholia in The Bird’s Nest.” Echinox Journal, vol. 35 (2018), pp. 69-86.
“The Suburban Unhomely: Alienation and Anxiety in Shirley Jackson’s The Road Through the Wall." Explorations: A Journal of Language and Literature, vol. 5 (2017), pp. 12-24.
“Affect and Memory in Toni Morrison’s God Help the Child.” Spaces of Expression and Repression in Post-Millennial North-American Literature and Visual Culture. Eds. I. Kimak and J. Nikiel. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2017, pp. 135-142.
“The neo-gothic borderlands: liminal spaces in the stories of Shirley Jackson, Patrick McGrath and Joyce Carol Oates.” Borderlands: Art, Literature, Culture. Eds. E. Bańka and Z. Kolbuszewska. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2016, pp. 221-234.
“The Phantom in American Arcadia: Rethinking Race in Philip Roth’s The Human Stain.” Roczniki Humanistyczne: Anglica vol. 64, no. 11 (2016), pp. 147-156.
„Pod maską postmodernistycznego eksperymentu – Impreza u Geralda” (Beyond the Mask of Postmodernist Experiment – Gerald’s Party). Barth, Barthelme, Coover. Ed. Zuzanna Ładyga. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2015, pp. 170-180.
“Carnival Revisited: The Return of the Clown in Thomas Ligotti’s ‘The Last Feast of Harlequin’”. Roczniki Humanistyczne, vol. LXII, 5 (2014), pp.125-134.
„Pomiędzy niebem a piekłem: Sula” (Between Heaven and Hell: Sula). Toni Morrison. Ed. Ewa Łuczak. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2013, pp. 33-46.
“Woodened in Venice: Robert Coover’s Re-Weaving of the Pinocchio Tale.” America: the Natural and the Artificial. Construction of American Identities, Landscapes, Social Institutions, and Histories. Ed. M. Zapędowska and P. Stachura. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 2010, pp. 45-53.
“Farewell to Flesh: The Uncanny Carnivalesque in Robert Coover’s Pinocchio in Venice.” Gothic N.E.W.S. Ed. Max Duperray. Paris: Michel Houdiard Editeur, 2009, pp. 285-298.
"W poszukiwaniu straconej prawdy - postmodernistyczna proza Roberta Coovera” (“In Search of the Lost Truth – Robert Coover’s Postmodernist Fiction”; co-author) Literatura na Świecie, no. 1/2001 (354), pp. 130-149.
“Toni Morrison’s Version of Black America and redefinition of some Popular Myths.” British and American Studies: Local Colors of Stars and Stripes. Ed. M. Wiszniowska. Toruń: Wydawnictwo UMK, 2001, pp. 283-294.
“Sula, albo wiedźma: czarna Ameryka w powieści Toni Morrison” (“Sula, or the Witch: Black America in Toni Morrison’s Novel”), Akcent no. 1-2 (87-88) 2002, pp. 163-6.
“Real Games and Fictional Players: Game Structures in Contemporary Novels.” PASE Papers in Literature and Culture. Gdańsk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, 2003, pp. 45-51.