Aleksandra Krauze-Kołodziej

Symposium Peregrinum 2024 "History Changing Prophesis. Prophecy and Oracles that did or would have changed history - real, fictitious, and fiction", Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta), Italy (June 11-13, 2024); presentation together with Dott.ssa Francesca Ceci (Capitoline Museums, Rome), The Prophetic Head of Orpheus - Tracing the Iconographic Evolution from Ancient to Modern Art;

Wygłoszenie referatu na konferencji międzynarodowej

Nazwa konferencji: Symposium Peregrinum 2024 "History Changing Prophesis. Prophecy and Oracles that did or would have changed history - real, fictitious, and fiction"
Miejsce: Santa Maria Capua Vetere (Caserta), Włochy