Unity of the Church vs. Ethical Differences. Difficulties Associated with and the Prospects for the Document "The Church: Towards a Common Vision"
Artykuł naukowy w czasopiśmie recenzowanyCzasopismo: Studia Oecumenica (ISSN: 1643-2762)
Rok wydania: 2014
Tom: 14
Strony od-do: 91-98
Słowa kluczowe: jedność chrześcijan, eklezjologia ekumeniczna, różnice etyczne, etyka ekumeniczna
Cytowanie w formacie Bibtex:
author = "Marcin Składanowski",
title = "Unity of the Church vs. Ethical Differences. Difficulties Associated with and the Prospects for the Document ''The Church: Towards a Common Vision''",
journal = "Studia Oecumenica",
year = "2014",
pages = "91-98"
Cytowanie w formacie APA:
Składanowski, M. (2014). Unity of the Church vs. Ethical Differences. Difficulties Associated with and the Prospects for the Document "The Church: Towards a Common Vision". Studia Oecumenica, 91-98.