Jerzy Wójcik


Prace magisterskie
  • A Historical Look Into the Origin and Development of Semantic Category Kitchen
  • A Historical Look into the Origin and Development of the Semantic Category Fire
  • A historical look into the origin and development of the semantic category “Human Emotions”.
  • The Origin and Development of Food Terminology in English.
  • The Origin and Development of Physical Terminology in English.


Prace magisterskie
  • The origin and development of the semantic field ''clothing'' in the history of English
  • The origin and development of the semantic field "weather" in the history of English.
  • The origin and development of the semantic field "family" in the history of English.
  • The semantic and lexical change in words expressing robbery in the history of English
  • The origin and development of the semantic field "Food" in the history of English.
  • The origin and development of the semantic field " prison and punishment " in the history of English.
  • The origin and development of the semantic field "literature" in the history of English
  • The origin and development of the semantic field "sport" in the history of English
  • The origin and development of the semantic field "plant" in the history of English.
  • The origin and development of the semantic field "law" in the history of English
  • The origin and development of the semantic field "Sport" in the history of English.
  • The origin and development of the semantic field 'Agriculture' in the history of English
  • The origin and development of the semantic field "military equipment" in the history of English.
  • The origin and development of the semantic field "feelings" in the history of English.
  • The origin and development of the semantic field " dance and art" in the history of English