Jerzy Wójcik


Prace licencjackie
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of Collocations with the Verb FIND in the British and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of Collocations with the Word COMPUTER in the British and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of Reflexive Pronouns in the British and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of Collocations with the Verb GET in the British and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of FEW/LITTLE in the British and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of Selected Sentence Adverbs in the British and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of Collocations with the Word DEAL in the British and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Participles in Contrast: A Study Based on the British National and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of Selected Degree Adverbs in the British and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of Selected Adverbs in Polish Subjectless Clauses and their English Equivalents in the British and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of Collocations with the Verb MAKE in the British and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Using R for Contrastive Analysis: A Study of Prepositions Expressing Approximation in the British and Polish National Subcorpora


Prace licencjackie
  • Pronouns in Contrast: A Study Based on the British National and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Adjectives in Contrast: A Study Based on the British National and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Adverbs in Contrast: A Study Based on the British National and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Modal Verbs in Contrast: A Study Based on the British National and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Verbs in Contrast: A Study Based on the British National and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Prepositions in Contrast: A Study Based on the British National and Polish National Subcorpora
  • Conjunctions in Contrast: A Study Based on the British National and Polish National Subcorpora


Prace licencjackie
  • Corpus-Based Contrastive Analysis: A Study Based on the English-Polish Parallel Text of “Women in Love” by D.H. Lawrence