Adam Kubiś

Walka o integralną wiarę chrystologiczną w Pierwszym Liście świętego Jana w kontekście historii wspólnoty Janowej
[The Struggle for an Integral Christological Faith in the First Letter of John and the History of the Johannine Community]

Rozdział w recenzowanej książce naukowej

Miejsce: Lublin
Rok wydania: 2014
Tytuł publikacji: Od wiary Abrahama do wiary Kościoła
Strony od-do: 83-102
Streszczenie: The terminology of faith (pi,stij, pisteu,w) in 1 John refers in one way or another to the problem of an orthodox christology. 1 John appears to be a polemical writing, which aims at countering the ethical and christological claims of the secessionist who at some point left the Johannine community. The present work leaves aside the attempts of previous exegetes to identify the secessionist with various ancient heterodox groups known from extra-biblical sources (e.g. Ebionites, Docetists, Gnosticis etc.). Instead, the reading of the Johannine letters reveals that three main christological claims – namely that Jesus is God, Jesus is Christ, and Jesus has come in the flesh – might be approached from pneumatological and anthropological angles. The secessionist believed that the role of Jesus was limited to announcing the outpouring of the Spirit, and that believers, having received the Spirit, possessed a status not much different from that of Jesus himself.
Słowa kluczowe: wiara, wspólnota Janowa, Listy Janowe, 1 List św. Jana, Chrystus, Mesjasz, namaszczenie, chrystologia Janowa, antropologia Janowa, pneumatologia Janowa