Wojciech Guz


Prace licencjackie
  • Sound Symbolism in English
  • Women's vs Men's Language
  • Nadsat and Newspeak - a study of linguistic creativity in selected science fiction dystopian novels
  • The markers of habitual aspect in African American English and standard English


Prace licencjackie
  • The Problems of Empty and Zero Morphs in English and Polish. A Comparative Study.
  • The affixal exponents of quality nouns in English.
  • Affixation and conversion in English causative verbs.
  • English Primary and Secondary Affixes and Related Issues.
  • The productivity of compounding and derivation in creating neologisms in scientific language.
  • Semantic shift: English adjectives denoting personality traits.
  • Phonotactic constraints on English word-formation.


Prace licencjackie
  • The influence of feminist theories on the English language.
  • The Role and Use of Acronyms and Alphabetisms in Modern English.
  • A corpus-based analysis of selected English idioms.
  • Neologisms in the Political Language of the 4th RP.
  • English blends: a functional and structural view.
  • The productivity of negative prefixes in English adjectives.
  • The productivity of verb-deriving suffixes in English.
  • The productivity of the suffix - ness in non - deadjectival derivation.
  • Welsh Diminutives.