Wojciech Guz


Prace licencjackie
  • Categorization of English and German nominal suffixes
  • A comparison of English, Polish and Spanish diminutives.
  • Differences between English and Irish English on the basis of Roddy Doyle's fiction
  • An analysis of Polish-English False Friends in comparison with other European languages
  • Similarities and differences between English and German proverbs
  • Inflectional categories of Polish and English: tense, aspect, mood, and voice
  • A comparison of selected English,Russian, and Polish idioms


Prace licencjackie
  • How not to say what you think: euphemisms, doublespeak and political correctness.
  • Digital English and its influence on Polish
  • Reduplication in English and Polish
  • Artificial vs natural languages. Comparison of English and Na'vi affixation and compounding.
  • Gradation of adverbs in Polish and English.
  • The rhetorical aspects of Tony Blair's speeches
  • English phonotactic constraints: nonsense words in nursery rhymes


Prace licencjackie
  • Affixation in English slang
  • Clipping in English and Polish - a comparison
  • Types of adjective gradation in Polish and English
  • Names of occupations in British and American English
  • Neologisms and nonce-formations in Polish and English
  • The formation and productivity of splinters in English