Prace licencjackie
  • Substandard languages in English literature and ways of translating them.
  • Newspaper and magazine headlines and their linguistic features.
  • Language Universals in Linguistic Theory
  • The Concept of Artificial Languages on the Example of the Mandalorian Language
  • Diagnosing teacher and student talking time in English during lessons in a secondary school
  • Cockney Rhyming Slang: a linguistic study
  • Using deductive and inductive methods in teaching English grammar to secondary school learners
  • English-based Creole Languages
  • Using drawings in teaching English phrasal verbs and idioms to junior secondary students
  • Diminutives and augmentatives in English and Spanish - a comparative study
Prace magisterskie
  • Police Slang in the English Language
  • Animal Verbs and Nouns and their Metaphorical Extensions in English
  • Arabic loans in English.
  • English borrowings in Modern Polish.
  • Ambiguity in English
  • Time measurement and Zodiac in Chinese and German as compared to English
  • English borrowings in Polish TV commercials.
  • Verb-Formation in English
  • Situating verbs in space: selected English verbal prefixes.
  • Word coining in English on the Internet