Jerzy Wójcik


Prace magisterskie
  • Stress and Vowel Reduction in English and Russian
  • The Diachrony and Synchrony of Scottish Vowel Length Rule - a Government Phonology Analysis.
  • Diphthongs in the history of English - the Government Phonology analysis
  • Geminates in the History of English
  • Short Vowels in Old English.
  • The evolution of fricative consonants in Middle English.
  • Dialects of English in the British Isles - a phonological study.
  • Liquid /r/ in the History of English.
  • The evolution of velar consonants in the history of Old English.


Prace licencjackie
  • Role-plying games in teaching English as a foreign language.
  • Teaching different language skills trough music to junior high school students.
  • Songs in teaching English to Primary School Students.
  • Activating methods in teaching grammar to junior high school students.
  • Action - based approach in teaching English.
  • Using song lyrics in ELT at intermediate level.
  • Approaches to teaching listening and speaking skills.
  • Teaching receptive skills to children.
  • Teaching integrated skills trough environmental content.
  • Using games in teaching English to young children between the Age of 7 and 10.
  • Using the Internet in ELT.