Ewelina Bańka


Prace magisterskie
  • Challenging the Myth of the American West
  • The Question of Identity in the Selected Works of Willa Cather
  • Identity and Place in the Contemporary Southwestern American Literature
  • Indigenous Perspectives on the History of Colonization in the Works of Leslie Marmon Silko and Simon J. Ortiz
  • The Critique of Colonialism in the Selected Works of Louise Erdrich
  • The Role of Storytelling in Contemporary Native American Literature


Prace magisterskie
  • Exploring the Myth of the American West in Zane Grey's Fiction


Prace magisterskie
  • Identity Quest in The Selected Works by Native American Writers
  • Strong Children and Weak Adults in Stephen King's Horror Fiction.
  • Mediating Between Cultures: Identity Formation in the Works of Maxine Hong Kingston, Jade Snow Wong and Kim Ronyoung.
  • Challenging the Popular Image of the West in the Works of Edgar Laurence Doctorow, Cormac McCarthy and Ishmael Reed.
  • The Construction of The Western Hero in Literature and Film
  • Trauma and Identity Crisis in Contemporary Native American Literature
  • Criminal Manhattan as a Reflection on the Condition of Modern Society.
  • The Motif of Isolation in the Selected Works by Stephen King and Jonathan Demme
  • Coming-of-Age: In Search of the Self in Contemporary Chinese American Fiction
  • Investigation and Court Case As Manifestations of Racism in the American South.
  • Forensic Imagination in Investigative Journalism
  • The Fight for Human Rights in Contemporary Mexican-American Literature
  • The Changing Figure of the Detective in Contemporary American Literature and Fiction.