Artur Bartnik


Prace licencjackie
  • English loanwords in Polish sports terminology
  • Wybrane problemy tłumaczeniowe w języku prawniczym


Prace licencjackie
  • The structural positions of prenominal adjectives.
  • English borrowings in the semantic field of music
  • The Morpho-syntax of 'such' in Modern English.
  • The Saxon genitive in English
  • Epistemic modality in English
  • The persuasive role of headlinese in newspaper headlines
  • English borrowings in Polish advertisements .
  • The distribution of reciprocal pronouns in a prescriptive perspective.
  • Existential clauses in English
  • Borrowings in information technology
  • Latin locative prefixes in English and Spanish


Prace licencjackie
  • The Genitive in English.
  • NP expletives in English.
  • Floating Quantifiers in English.
  • English Borrowings in Advertising .
  • Violations of Binding Theory in English.
  • On the Middle Voice in English.
  • Licensing of Negative Polarity Items in English.