The linguistic basis of native language glottodidactics in the educational system of Bronisław Rocławski

Artykuł naukowy w czasopiśmie recenzowany

Czasopismo: Kalba ir Kontekstai = Language in Different Contexts (ISSN: 1822-5357)
Rok wydania: 2016
Tom: 7(1)
Numer czasopisma: 2
Strony od-do: 203-211

Cytowanie w formacie Bibtex:
author = "Barbara Borowska",
title = "The linguistic basis of native language glottodidactics in the educational system of Bronisław Rocławski",
journal = "Kalba ir Kontekstai = Language in Different Contexts",
year = "2016",
number = "2",
pages = "203-211"

Cytowanie w formacie APA:
Borowska, B. (2016). The linguistic basis of native language glottodidactics in the educational system of Bronisław Rocławski. Kalba ir Kontekstai = Language in Different Contexts, 2, 203-211.